Thursday, May 19, 2011

Next stop: U?

where shall i go next.

cgpa is just 2.7. blah i know it's not very high.

but at least i have proven that the second semester is not as tough as it looks.

got 2.91. hehe

but now, i got to find a work.

by work, i mean WORK or JOB. no seriously,

huh, what the hell i'm talking....

but luckily, my nightmare didn't become a reality..

you don't need to ask.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It is time.

it is..

or should i translate that to...

i don't know. what should i say.

seriously, my hands are shaking right now, knowing that the results for my PSPM II is coming out in just a couple of hours.

freaked out? you bet. on top of that, my heart's racing... about that.

don't know if i could obtain 4 flat. 90% is no, i cannot obtain 4 flat.

3.00 or above? i could see the light..

but at least, i hope that the total of my cgpa will be a 3.00 or so...

then i will feel secured and relieved.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Two Years Later.

"the more the things change the more they stay the same"

i guess this phrase meant a lot to me now.

this morning i will embark on a journey,

or to be more precise, a homecoming....

to the earth where i used to tread together with my comrades..


i will be staying there for 3 days... later i will be travelling to kl.

hopefully will be having a whale of time there..

till then..

off i go
