Tuesday, October 4, 2011


The more the things change, the more they stay the same

To find out that you are studying in a university,that is different
To find out that that particular university is located just a few clicks away from your home,well that is different too.
But to find out that the pace is almost the same as last year, and that, my friend, is what i said something like"Damn, i thought university life is kinda lax, but it's almost 90% the same as last year?!!)

But luckily, the pace is NOT as fast as before.
Take this for example.i got a day when the class starts at 11 a.m.
and on the other day, i have only 2 hours of class, and no more for that particular day.

NO.I know, I know. Sounds like i am making a too-good-to-be-true-lie-that-seems-true-but-might-be-a-lie statement, eh?
It's up to you.

History is written by the victors.
Let's get to work.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Deep in the ocean, dead and cast away
Where innocence is burned, in flames
A million mile from home, I'm walking ahead
I'm frozen to the bones, I am...

A soldier on my own, I don't know the way
I'm riding up the heights of shame
I'm waiting for the call, the hand on the chest
I'm ready for the fight, and fate

The sound of iron shots is stuck in my head,
The thunder of the drums dictates
The rhythm of the falls, the number of dead's
The rising of the hoards, ahead

From the dawn of time to the end of days
I will have to run, away
I want to feel the pain and the bitter taste
Of the blood on my lips, again

This steady burst of snow is burning my hands,
I'm frozen to the bones, I am
A million mile from home, I'm walking away
I can't remind your eyes, your face

Don't push me!

you want some?

come get some!

though this seem to be too short, i will pile it up, nut later.

expect a new me, in 24 hours!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


in 1 more month, or so,
i will be leaving my home....
for another journey.....

well, FYI i am not sure whether this should be written, or not.
perhaps, or again, not.

since the UPU result came out around 2 weeks ago, let me tell this straight.

i got selected into UniMAP.
i know i know.
sounds funny, isn't it?

to be studying in a university which is located about just a few clicks away form my backyard, though a few may not seem to be appropriate, since the campus is scattered all over the state. even i, whose origin is from here, do not even fully know where are all the building s are located, talkin' bout' real scattering. simply overwhelming, ya know?

enough of blabbering, looks like this week will be one helluva week. got to finish my license test, havin' my medical checkup,(anybody knows where is the cheapest place i can get for my checkup?), and yeah, opening a new bank account, since i am not from a rich family,(cukup-cukup makan bolehla),to get PTPTN, and the list goes on....

urghh.. i need a break...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

SKMM can go to hell

seriously, i never give a damn on these 4 stupid letters. SKMM

but today, i am going berserk.

why? this good-for-nothing organization has blocked one f the most frequent website i've ever visited, THEPIRATEBAY.ORG

sumpah, aku x pernah tengok organisation sebengap SKMM sebelum ni, website fileshareing nak block , macam takut bawak pengaruh negatif(kononnya).

yg cukup cukup cukup pelik, 4tube.com x block pulak... memang la, kerajaan malaysia memang kaki blue rupanya.

oh another thing, i heard that anonymous is going to teach malaysian government a lesson.
memang patut pun....

agak2 nanti apa pulak kena block?
facebook? youtube? blogger?

last2 tinggal google ngan yahoo....
kalau macam tu. baik x payah ada internet

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Next stop: U?

where shall i go next.

cgpa is just 2.7. blah i know it's not very high.

but at least i have proven that the second semester is not as tough as it looks.

got 2.91. hehe

but now, i got to find a work.

by work, i mean WORK or JOB. no seriously,

huh, what the hell i'm talking....

but luckily, my nightmare didn't become a reality..

you don't need to ask.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It is time.

it is..

or should i translate that to...

i don't know. what should i say.

seriously, my hands are shaking right now, knowing that the results for my PSPM II is coming out in just a couple of hours.

freaked out? you bet. on top of that, my heart's racing... about that.

don't know if i could obtain 4 flat. 90% is no, i cannot obtain 4 flat.

3.00 or above? i could see the light..

but at least, i hope that the total of my cgpa will be a 3.00 or so...

then i will feel secured and relieved.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Two Years Later.

"the more the things change the more they stay the same"

i guess this phrase meant a lot to me now.

this morning i will embark on a journey,

or to be more precise, a homecoming....

to the earth where i used to tread together with my comrades..


i will be staying there for 3 days... later i will be travelling to kl.

hopefully will be having a whale of time there..

till then..

off i go

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

hell yeah!!!!

the second wave of PSPM II has passed.
as usual, one thing i gotta say 'bout math.


no, i'm not lying.
it started kinda well for me at first,
but things started to go sideways when i arrived the-usual-hate-to-do-it trigonometry questions..

so in the end,

i messed myself up.

enough said.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

of exam, chemistry and tsunami

by now, most of are in the midst of the final preparation for the final exam, though it is still in three weeks time, but hey, time sure flies fast nowadays...

as for me, well, i... how i am gonna say it.... ah i am starting to recap my lessons , namely the all-time-dreaded MATH, physics and of course, my favorite subject, chemistry...

one thing i really like about this semester's chemistry is that the syllabus has very little calculation question, only 3 chapters involved with it... but honestly, all the calculations are much, much simpler than in the previous semester, although still there are some tricky questions....

the other 9 chapters, on the other hand, does not involve any calculations at all, in fact there are only writing and drawing chemical structures and naming them... however, there are a few hardships in these chapters.... and the main problem would be.... remembering the chemical reactions.... oh well.. that's how chemistry will be.

enough of that. last 2 weeks was a shocking weekend indeed, as a massive earthquake hits japan, causing giant tsunamis rampaging and destroying a part of Fukushima, not forgetting causing the nuclear reactors there to explode due to the violent shakings. as i read the news, the papers, everything related to the disaster, a question suddenly came up: will that place be the next Chernobyl? if you do not know or might say "What the F*** is that place?", google it. but likely, it is almost impossible to not to know about this place. 50 000 thousand people used to live here, but now it's a ghost town.(used to hear this sentence? you bet. it is an opening for call of duty 4: modern warfare)

got few words to say about the disaster.

first, do not attempt to make any comments, especially when it is to be aired on televisions, that shows that you are such a dumbass, failing to differentiate between natural disasters and man-made disasters.

second, do not draw anything stupid, even though you want to say that no one can stop natural disasters, or tsunamis, to be precise.


may you have a swift recovery, JAPAN.


Friday, March 18, 2011

a little piece of my mind

3 weeks left. before the big day. i don't know if it is worth to be said big.

yah PSPM II .. must get at least 3.51 in this exam...

well, only about 30% prepared.. still got tons to do and cover....

ahh....... just miss the good ol' days at koleq.... missed almost about everythin' 'bout it, my batchmates, my bed, and of course, playing hide and seek with the wardens... not forgetting as well as eating one of a kind NGA in the middle of midnight, without actually seeing it...

sheesh.... how time flies...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

again, and again.....

5 weeks left and i am free from this "asylum".

but, sincerely, i am kinda feeling something back.

something that i had forgotten for such a long long time, i even lost track of it.

no, no, no not the feeling of being forced to study until the wee hours in the morning , trust me i have been in a worse condition. not that, seriously..

the thing is that, well, i... again, sadly had a crush on this girl, and it always seem to me that i have bad lucks with girls. she already has a boyfriend, which make me kinda sad. ..(melepas aku)

well, maybe i'll find someone sooner or later. by the end of my stay here, or maybe in the university, if i manage to secure a place.... that is, in the month of september.

Friday, February 18, 2011

aim for the almost impossible

yah i know tajuk atas macam mengarut.

i know, spare me the lecture..

aku tulis ni bersebab.

esok grand finale dota

peringkat kmpp.

aku ngan team mate aku, zaid, abg mal, mat din, rizal coolem akan duel ngan team yang buleh kata macam haram... malam nie training... yay...

oo mintak2 menang la...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

SAY NO to XC!!

elok, elok sangat cross country esok. dah la bagitau last minute, buat pulak kelas, memang style, bagi la bebudak2 semua lari pakai baju kemeja, seluar slack, yang perempuan pulak bagi saja pakai baju kurung, kata pakaian kebangsaan. lepas tu lari pulak dalam ladang kelapa sawit, sumpah style.

biasa la, tak pernah lagi aku dengaq kata cross country buat dalam ladang kelapa sawit. kalau macam tu kita tukaq nama amacam, apa kata cross palm oil plantation? style tak?

aku rasa tak sangat kot... nama panjang sangat... tapi kalau dalam bm merentas ladang kelapa sawit, tu memang style... ok...

kalau kena ligan dengan inchek u-lar memang best la, kena pulak yang saiz macam pertunjukan kat dewan tu, fuyoo memang ada adegan aci ligan macam dalam Hantu Kak Limah Balik Rumah.

yang x lari sure relaks punya, sebab x teruk, yang lari tu yang sakit, kena pulak malam esok ada kelas... hahahaha. entah berapa kerat la yang p, kalau p tu memang tabik la, sebab stamina macam terminator, kalau x pun sebab x lari, tak terlibat langsung wahahaha.

kalau x pi tu kena mark dengan cikgu punya, memang kena la. kalau kata letih, sure cikgu reply ada yang p jugak walaupun letih. tapi sama jugak, tang p pun bukan tentu tau benda apa yang dia dapat, tah2 lagi haram dari yang x pi......

nak buat macam mana esok ni arr???

Sunday, February 6, 2011


kamon la wei

sikit jer lagi

lagi 1 bulan lebih dah nak habih matrik dah

lepas tu cuti lima bulan

kerja dulu time cuti tu

collect duit, buat lesen.

kamon la, kamon la....

2 bulan

lagi 2 bulan habih sudah hidup aku kat matrik


tapi ada 2 3 benda jugak la benda yang buat aku meluat nak balik matrik tgh hari ni.

first cross-country

second pspm...

aku cukup meluat dengan crosscountry

kalau menang x kisah.

kalau x menang memang buang karan....


Saturday, February 5, 2011

tak tau

tak tau. serius tak tau

tak tau macam mana nak sambung

sumpah serius tak tau

nak buat macam mana nak bagi tau?

ada sapa-sapa tau?

aku tengah tak tau gila-gila ni

gila-gila tahap gaban tak tau ni

gapan pun tak tau tak sampai tahap aku tak tau ni

memang tak tau

nak buat apa pun tak tau

betoi tak tau,

kalau dah tau dah lama dah aku buat

ni sebab tak tau la aku tak buat-buat lagi ni

sebab kalau tak tau, nanti apa yang buat pun haram tak tau

kalau tau benda apa yang nak kena buat sure tau

tau satu benda lagi baik dari tak tau langsung

tau ka tak tau?

(apa benda aku merapu ni?)

Sunday, January 23, 2011


balik kmpp lagi....

nasib baik bulan 4 ni last.... tapi sebelum tu hell dulu la.....


dua minggu straight..

well x la straight sangat....

lepas tu cuti 4 bulan lebih......

cari kerja, amik lesen....

ntah tengok la dulu

Saturday, January 22, 2011


lg 20 jam aku beransur2 dari rumah aku.

balik matrik.,


boring haram....

apsal matrik cuti kejap sangat???

CNY cuti ke x cuti x tau la.....

dengar2 budak cina dapat cuti seminggu free

yg lain?

just wait and see
