by now, most of are in the midst of the final preparation for the final exam, though it is still in three weeks time, but hey, time sure flies fast nowadays...
as for me, well, i... how i am gonna say it.... ah i am starting to recap my lessons , namely the all-time-dreaded MATH, physics and of course, my favorite subject, chemistry...
one thing i really like about this semester's chemistry is that the syllabus has very little calculation question, only 3 chapters involved with it... but honestly, all the calculations are much, much simpler than in the previous semester, although still there are some tricky questions....
the other 9 chapters, on the other hand, does not involve any calculations at all, in fact there are only writing and drawing chemical structures and naming them... however, there are a few hardships in these chapters.... and the main problem would be.... remembering the chemical reactions.... oh well.. that's how chemistry will be.
enough of that. last 2 weeks was a shocking weekend indeed, as a massive earthquake hits japan, causing giant tsunamis rampaging and destroying a part of Fukushima, not forgetting causing the nuclear reactors there to explode due to the violent shakings. as i read the news, the papers, everything related to the disaster, a question suddenly came up: will that place be the next Chernobyl? if you do not know or might say "What the F*** is that place?", google it. but likely, it is almost impossible to not to know about this place. 50 000 thousand people used to live here, but now it's a ghost town.(used to hear this sentence? you bet. it is an opening for call of duty 4: modern warfare)
got few words to say about the disaster.
first, do not attempt to make any comments, especially when it is to be aired on televisions, that shows that you are such a dumbass, failing to differentiate between natural disasters and man-made disasters.
second, do not draw anything stupid, even though you want to say that no one can stop natural disasters, or tsunamis, to be precise.
may you have a swift recovery, JAPAN.