today is the last day of 2010
and tomorrow will be the first day of 2011,
guess time's flying so fast
9/12/2009(if i am not mistaken)
still remembered when each and everyone of us sang MOTHERRUSSIA for the last time, not forgetting the other songs, with tears bursting from almost everyone's it happened yesterday
caught a last glimpse of the BIG SCHOOL....not knowing when will be seeing it again, hopefully in 2019.....while driving a murcielago,
hearing the news about one of my friend's of the most shocking news of the year....
entering matriculation college, which seem kinda hell at one point, precisely before the first semester exam..... didn't get kinda high pointer, though...
and others, which seemed to become cloudy in my mind at a moment......
well, that's 2010 for me(for now, cause there's still approximately 9 hours left before entering a whole new year)
i'm glad i survived this year.