Friday, December 31, 2010

just hours to go, and counting...

today is the last day of 2010

and tomorrow will be the first day of 2011,

guess time's flying so fast

9/12/2009(if i am not mistaken)

still remembered when each and everyone of us sang MOTHERRUSSIA for the last time, not forgetting the other songs, with tears bursting from almost everyone's it happened yesterday

caught a last glimpse of the BIG SCHOOL....not knowing when will be seeing it again, hopefully in 2019.....while driving a murcielago,

hearing the news about one of my friend's of the most shocking news of the year....

entering matriculation college, which seem kinda hell at one point, precisely before the first semester exam..... didn't get kinda high pointer, though...

and others, which seemed to become cloudy in my mind at a moment......

well, that's 2010 for me(for now, cause there's still approximately 9 hours left before entering a whole new year)

i'm glad i survived this year.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

one and a half year later

it had been almost ages since i last wrote in this blog.

not because i didn't have any idea, well yeah that's one reason, but i was, am, and will be busy for the next few weeks.... man...... oh man,,,

in a week i will be celebrating my beloved batch's birthday..

hopefully everyone will remember that day, where around 115 innocent-looking boys entered THERE,where we learn about almost everything , and grew up together...
and now, i ...
just can't forget... about someone....

he left all of us, last march.....

still remembered how he made a joke about my name.....
but it was a joke, so i laughed kinda hard..

and still, it was still unbelievable that he had left us....

to anyone whom know him, let us recite Al-Fatihah.

really looking forward to visit you, bro.

hopefully i will have that opportunity

someday... someday

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Kemalasan 2

malas malas ,malas malas malas.

bab makan aku laju..

bab buat kerja aku slow skit tapi aku ada buat gak..

sering malas menjadi hobi aku...

malas.. ayat yang sering orang cakap...

malas... ni ayat yang aku tulis utk dongoi2 baca..


akudahmalas. memangakudahmalas. sebabrayadahdekatsangatsampaitahapbulehbilangnganjarije. lagi4harikalautaksalahaku.tapimacamtakbestsangatladizyearpunyaraya.cutipondapat5arijer...alapendekbebenorcutikalini




Saturday, August 7, 2010

Perché io?


apsal aku selalu jadi mangsa?


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Sono arrivato

arrived in kmpp at approximately 6.15 p.m

done unpacking all my things

and tonight i am going to be busy again...


(damn essay x buat lagi...nasib baik satu essay je...:)

tutte le cose belle devono finire ,

that's right.
less than 12 hours i will return there
to kmpp

during this not-so-long-but-so-needed-holiday

i found another interesting hobby

learning to mock people in italian

it sure sounds fun, don't ya think?
oh well i did!

well, try for yourself...

it sure worked out for me to relief my stress....

i'll give you a new word... say cazzo aloud.. in front of an italian
and see what will the person do to you......


Saturday, July 31, 2010

uno giorno a sinistra

only a few hours left.
before returning back to kmpp...

hmm, and what should i be expecting?
mid semester test result

ah hell
no way i'll obtain 4 flat in this test.

just no way.......

yeah whatever..

still got a few months left before the end-of-semester exam

i'll make sure somehow i'll obtain at least 3.67....

Thursday, July 29, 2010

the only easy day... was yesterday

so how long i've not updated my blog huh? i guess more then 3 months. kinda long period for that....

there are few days left before i return to KMPP... and you might not believe what i am gonna say...


yep, that's it... I MEAN IT.

it's true that i am enjoying my lfe there, at KMPP, but somehow i miss my old comrades, especially my batchmates of, how time flies so quickly, and it was almost eight month since i've left my alma mater.....

i was wrong to say that school is kinda hell...
matriculation is even worse, but i know, it's just the beginning.... for my first semester exam is on october..... got plenty of time to cover........

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

ketika sy menulis artikel ini, jam sudah menunjukkan pukul 11.27 p.m. kedengaran bunyi orang tengah berkaraoke. gila hapa karaoke time2 macam ni? ooh lupa ada funfair, bukan jauh sangat 50 A ni, alah 3 km je..bukan sedap sangat pun, tapi kalau nak bagi hujan turun cukup sesuai...

dan pada ketika ini juga sy sedang mendengar lagu viola yg cukup mengasyikkan, nak dengar, nah amik link ni..

Thursday, April 8, 2010


the bad thing about crush is,

sometimes, you are the one who are crushed....

i do experience this,

a few years back....

and yes, she is someone's....

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


hari2 sy asyik melakukan perkara yang sama, smpai sy boleh jd sasau kalau lagi 2 bulan macam ni

bangun subuh
and kemudian tido balik.
bangun bangun matahari dah terpacak atas kepala
"la, dah pukul 12 la,patutla dah terang semacam"
masuk toilet,
nature calls
and gosok gigi
turun bawah, tengok benda yang boleh dimakan
nasi lemak sebungkus pun jadila..
ngap2, errkk.. alhamdulillah..
boleh la tahan sampai lunch...

"alamak, fb x check lg ngan"
rush ke arah notebook yg sememangnya dah berada di atas meja di ruang tamu.
tak pernah berubah2 tempat sejak dua minggu yang lampau.
ubah pun kalau hujan lebat tahap taufan katrina.
and on notebook...

hah start pon
cepat2 bukak google chrome
and click kat tab fb(sebab dah bookmark)
taip e-mail and password.
tengok newsfeed
oh mafia wars x bukak lagi..
bukak mafia wars...
oh ada free energy pack
and send untuk yang lain...

bosan la
no interesting matter,
ahh layan dmc 4 lg best...
logout dulu..
close google chrome
and bukak game booster...
[switch to gaming mode]
and voila!
Let's roll!!!

and these are the things that i always do every single day...
anyone has any make the tiebreaker?

Monday, April 5, 2010

oh, this is killing me..

i stumbled across this question a few days back.

Q: anda ade awek?



and my answer is...

A:awek? tunggu masuk u dulu, baru nak cari..

(x de soklan len dah ke?)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Ask me anything

dimanakah anda berada??

saya berada di atas bumi, di benua asia, di bahagian asia tenggara, di negara yang bernama malaysia, di negeri yang bernama perlis, di tempat bernama arau...

Ask me anything

Friday, March 26, 2010

where am i?

in the midst of march,

no signs of scholarship offer,

no signs of interview,

no signs of, err,

what, i just don't seem to remember,

29th of march,

the waiting will come to an end...

(mintak-mintak interview dalam bulan 4...)

Monday, March 22, 2010


Ikhwanul Ashraf Manja

a.k.a chamakh


passed away this morning....


(sesungguhnya setiap yang bernyawa itu pasti akan merasai mati...)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

a busy(?) week....

should I?

or shouldn't I?

is it?

or isn't it?

is it suitable?

or isn't it suitable?


so much scholarship forms....

which one is the most suitable for me?

Friday, March 12, 2010

that's it

8 a's

1 b+

b+ 4 bio

Thursday, March 11, 2010


no comment...

no mood...

just having high hopes

the dream will come true....

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


no, let's hope not

I want IT to be released on the next two weeks...

and not NEXT WEEK!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

pokok oh pokok..

hilang sudah pokok asam jawa berumur... ntah tak tau..
tapi yang confirm memang tua la...
saiz lima, enam pemeluk...

agak "keras",
tapi itu dulu...

sekarang, tempat tu dah jadi padang jarak padang tekukur(berfalsafah pulak aku...)

tapak tempat pokok asam tu dah jadi tapak nak buat bungalow..

selamat ke rumah tu nanti...
aku tak tahu...

korang, rase camner?

Monday, January 25, 2010

same shit, different day...

hate to do the same thing everyday...

eat,sleep,eat,sleep, bla bla bla

guess i will remain like this for the next few weeks...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Monday, January 4, 2010

a new year, a new beginning (?)

bye bye 2009, hye 2010..

as i woke up this morning, i heard something that reminded me about something that happened 11 years back...

"ye ye masuk sekolah ye!"

see how naive i was back then?

school seemed as a somesort of playground..

but now?

just read the newspaper...
(utusan front page today)
