Saturday, April 25, 2009

.... heh....

the same thing happened to koleq this year.
the rowing team lost against clifford..
welll at least it was sure a breathtaking competition...
although actually there were 3 schools competing in the rowing competition, which were koleq( ...) clifford ( no comment.) and smk teknik( appeared to be soooo .. lame)..
the starting line appeared to be quite ok.. but somehow clifford managed to pull away from us.. and with the help of the fast- flowing current, they managed to reach quite a fast speed ..
we knew that we would lose, so we gave our best shot, and managed to grab the second place.

teknik.... what happened to them, you asked?

well, lets just say that they did not interfere with clifford and us....

Monday, April 6, 2009

sial tol la!

aku bukannye ape, tapi aku rase bengang giler ngan form 1 leman. sebabnye? diorg kalah event tari tali dlm masa x sampai 10 saat! memang satu rekod, rekod yang cukup MEMALUKAN!
mane taknye, kitorg form5 dah ajar care tarik yang betul, diorag buat care yg salah. kitorg cakap, kalu nak tarik tu, buatla macam nak jatuh ke belakang, baru la berat badan tuh bertumpu ke belakang. bru le house AHMAD tu susah nak tarik. tapi laen yg disuruh laen pulak yang jadi...

diorg gi bongkokkan badan ke depan. apsal la korg bahlul sangat!(ni ditujukan kepada form 1, so jangan la terase lak, ok?). diorg buat cam tu same la macam pegang tali tu je, tak tarik langsung, last last diorg kalah sayo haram ngan ahmad . padahal saiz diorg sume lebih kurang je aku tengok.
lps tuh diorg kene la ceramah free ngan hi-com leman... padan muke korg...
sekarang form 1leman ade mission baru.. menag 8x1 sports day nanti.. kalu tak.....

malasla aku nak cakap... dah ngantuk ni.. chow dulula

Sunday, April 5, 2009

what da %$%

come on la , leman! apsal sukantara dapat no last hah?! i can't believe IT! sepanjang aku idup kat sini x pernah2 leman dapat last..

how came this can happen to leman.....

i mean apsal loser sangat.... haiiihhhhhh , tak pe sports day ade lagi,
time tu la we will fight until the end!

sesape yang house lain jangan ingat this is the end for leman


Sulaiman House will relive the moment of GLORY!
